Amy Aves Challenger
Current offerings:
Friday Soul Asylum Creative Writing
for refugee teen girls
FREE thanks to a grant from
the Schusterman Foundation
Contact Amy with interest
Wednesday Soul Writing 4-6:30 PM CET Contact Amy to enter the waitlist
Write, read, and listen in a small, encouraging online workshop setting where your own writing style and voice strengthen.
Prompts inspire writers or aspiring writers to develop writing and listening skills in an encouraging environment. Participants of all backgrounds write, share, and provide feedback on writing.
Email amy@amyaveschallenger.com
for more information.
Writing Level: All levels welcome
(English speaking)
Class Size: Maximum 6
Email me with interest or to be placed on a waitlist. I'm always open to adding new workshops.
Following are the primary principals of the Amherst Writers and Artists Method employed in workshops:
Everyone has a strong, unique voice.
Everyone is born with creative genius.
Writing as an art form belongs to all people, regardless of economic class or educational level.
The teaching of craft can be done without damage to a writers original voice or artistic self-esteem.
A writer is someone who writes.
Consider enrolling if any of the following fit ...
• You're a novice or experienced writer
seeking space to develop your style, voice, or work through writer’s fatigue.
• You’re seeking a creative writing community
for inspiration, sharing writing, and encouraging others.
• You're a professional writer in need of
a space to play, develop material, or try a new writing style.
• You're seeking an outlet to express difficult, joyful, or inspirational stories or perspectives.
Workshops are small (maximum 8 people.) Each session includes multiple creative prompts, time for participants to write, and time to share and receive feedback. Ideally, participants bond and experience results in writing advancement and in confidence.
• Able to speak and write any level of English. Beginner, intermediate and advanced writers benefit from listening, articulating feedback, and free-writing time.
• Willing to listen and articulate respectful and empowering feedback when reflecting on the work of participants, regardless of experience level.
• Interested in writing, listening, and discussing reading and writing.
• Willing to honor the anonymity of all work shared in workshops. Confidentiality is a critical aspect workshops, building a safe exploratory environment.
Questions? Interested in another workshop time or date that isn't posted here? Send me a message. I'd love to hear from you.
Thank you for unleashing the creative. I love the technique and intimacy of the group. The weekly workshops gave me time to explore like a child, and find my words again.
The space you created felt almost sanctified and spirit filled. Your stories inspire, validate and feed the soul too. I loved every second of our time together. Thank you for sharing your craft.
— Pam
Zürich, Switzerland
"Amy's writing workshops have been a wonderful way to uncover my voice as a writer. As a novice, I was apprehensive about sharing my work. Amy created such a supportive environment that I felt immediately comfortable and connected with the group. I entered the class intending to develop my journaling about motherhood, but have discovered the challenge and joy of writing poetry and fictional prose. Thanks to Amy’s encouragement I intend to further pursue this new passion."
-- Stephanie, Fairfield, CT
(Read more testimonials here)
I've been facilitating creative writing workshops for over seven years in the US and Europe
online and in-person. I was trained to lead these workshops by the New York Writers’ Coalition
employing a method inspired by the Amherst Writers’ and Artists’ Method.
Writing from the